I worked with a client who wanted to improve her leadership skills. She was very bright, had an MBA, and was in a mid to high-level leadership position in her organization. Her challenge was connecting with people. We started working, as I always do, with awareness. She was so joy-filled in her practice of awareness, equating this recognition to opening a beautiful gift, only to find another gorgeous gift waiting for her. She asked me why more people don’t know about living in a state of awareness. This was a great question.We must first be self-aware before we can begin effective, meaningful relationships with others. As a leader, awareness is the foundation on which to build your leadership skills. Don’t get me wrong, many leaders go about their day-to-day activities unconsciously leading, struggling, and wondering why it is so darn hard. The answer is that we must first effectively lead ourselves if we are to lead others successfully. Again, this boils down to self-awareness.Here are three steps to get started today.We do inventories of items before we order more. We assess our bank accounts before a large purchase, and we assess our employees before we begin appraisals. Why would we not assess ourselves in leadership roles with a deep dive into self-awareness? Awareness, like breathing, is essential to life, to living, and to leading. Without awareness, we’re just sleepwalking, unconsciously going through the motions of an unlived life.With self-awareness, we gain clarity of our values and of our vision with purpose and direction. We no longer sleepwalk through life. As leaders, our responsibility is to lead movement with vision and conviction, or we’re ineffective leaders. The beautiful aspect of this clarity is the meaningful way in which we lead, inspire, and motivate others.As always, I would love to hear from you. When was the moment when you became fully aware? What are some steps you use to stay in awareness?With love,Maria
Three Ways Building Your EQ Changes Mental Models
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a relatively recent discussion point in leadership development. Today we are talking about three ways to build EQ within leadership mindsets and positively shift our mental models (which we use each time we develop policies and procedures). Did you know our mental models are so powerful and deeply ingrained we are often not even aware of them?Several years ago, when I managed a private school, I had a teacher, Miss Sharon. She started off great and over a short period of time, became a problem employee. I had complaints from parents and other teachers about Miss Sharon. Eventually, I had to let her go and learned a lot of tough lessons in that experience.Years later, across the country, and in a different industry, I was interviewing for a marketing assistant. I had an interview scheduled with a woman named Sharon, and I almost fell off of my chair when she came in for the interview and was the complete image of Miss Sharon. It could have been her twin.My immediate, almost visceral response was to dismiss her from consideration even before we began talking. Luckily, I was aware of my mental model around Sharon. We completed the interview and I hired her. She was an amazing assistant to me for several years and broke my barrier of my limited mental model thinking. Had I not been aware of my own mental model around Miss Sharon, I would have missed out on a phenomenal employee.Keep this story in mind when watching today’s video to learn three ways to shift those mental models and “think outside the box.”Remember, our mental models are the ways in which we view the world, our own personal lenses, and filters. These filters, lenses, or mental models created throughout our lifetime, influence the way we understand events, including communication. Our mental models, developed through our life experiences, location we grew up, religious background, birth order, number of siblings, and education; all of these contribute to our own, unique way in which we view the world.The danger of not being aware of our mental models is that our ability to leap to assumptions and make decisions and conclusions based on those mental models can be destructive or harmful to our organizations.Once we do become aware of our mental models, we can make a conscious choice to change some of our lenses. We can choose to take a step to the left or the right and have a different view, a different perspective, and a broader perspective.The beauty in all of this is to not only just recognize the mental models in ourselves, but to also recognize the mental models of our team members and those with whom we communicate.As always, I love to hear from you. What are some mental models you are aware of that have held you back? What beliefs have your formed from your experiences?With love,Maria
Why Your Leadership Needs To Understand Personality Types
As we continue our understanding of leadership, today I want to expand our Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, by discussing the importance of understanding personality types in the workplace.Now, we’ve been hanging out together for a while and I just have to ask, Are you a square? No, not that kind of square!Maybe you’re a circle or a triangle?We can identify our personality tendencies with some simple geometry. Yikes - no formulas I promise!We are multi-dimensional people and have many sides to us. However, we have natural tendencies that we can relate to one or two specific shapes.It’s important to have representation of all of these shapes on your team and in your organization to bring different perspectives and ideas for problem-solving, and creating.As always, I love to hear from you. What shape do you identify with the most and what shape value do you bring to the table? What is the most challenging shape to work with and how have you learned to leverage those unique qualities of each personality type?With love,Maria
Why Effective Communication Often Eludes Leadership
How many times a day do we experience a communication breakdown? We’ve been talking about communication for decades and we still can’t seem to get it right! Effective communication often eludes leadership because we have yet to figure out how to balance both sides of this relationship.Looking at how we communicate can explain so much! It’s really quite simple. We have a sender and a receiver. The sender sends an intended message. The receiver receives a message. Seems simple enough.However, the reason we can’t seem to get communication right is the noise.The noise is both literal and figurative. Literally the sounds and noises we hear are phones, email, Facebook™ and Twitter™ notifications, radios, and iPods™, or the discussion happening outside your office door.The figurative noises are trickier and harder to notice. Those could be the argument you had with your spouse the night before, the parent-teacher conference this morning, or the report that’s due by the close of business today. Those noises inside your head keep you from really hearing what the other person is saying.Today we analyze how to recognize and eliminate these noises so leaders can finally effectively communicate.Understanding how we communicate and the noise that interferes in every conversation will help you be a better leader and enjoy communicating with others even more.As always, I love to hear from you. What was your funniest Mars/Venus communication exchange? Or what’s the most challenging conversation you’ve had and how did you manage through it?With love,Maria
Spring Cleaning Your Leadership Priorities
As we enter into Spring, leadership priorities are not often considered part of the Spring Cleaning process.I know there is quite of bit of talk going around about balance. Unfortunately, the discussion only seems to pile on more stress and guilt because many of us are already aware that we are out of balance. The purpose of this video is not to engender guilt, but to help a miracle come into your life with awareness and practical strategies to regain order and balance.We spend a lot of time in leadership and management seminars discussing how to prioritize. Many of us have handled this lesson fairly well at work; but we forget the idea of adding balance to this equation.Like the balance of seasons, we can work at a fast pace for a while, meeting deadlines and seizing opportunities. Without looking at the bigger picture, however, we could end-up spinning our wheels on the perceived priority and everything else goes to pot. That is where order comes into play. Without order, we will continue to drop things, even with our priority list.As always, I love to hear from you. What do you let go of in your Spring cleaning?With love,Maria
How To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
Workplace creativity and innovation are sought after goals in many organizations. Ever wonder how to get the creative juices flowing? Practicing creativity not only helps leaders make quick, confident decisions, innovate, and problem solve; creativity also helps us interact with others at a higher level.Living in this creative zone is as beneficial for leaders as it is for artists. Observe artists at work, whether it is performing artists, painters, sculptors, writers, or designers. Artists are present in the moment of creating with razor sharp focus as the divine download fills the spaces of their mind, heart, and body.Pablo Picasso reminds us, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”The best way to start tapping into our creativity is do what we did as children—play. Let’s get the creative juices flowing with the abandonment of child-like play.I would love to hear from you. What do you think? How do you get your creative juices flowing?With love,Maria
Three Ways To Find Renewal In Your Leadership Development
As we move into the season of Spring, a sense of wonder and renewal comes upon me. This is such a beautiful time of year, fresh with new beginnings and renewal. It is important for us, as leaders, to take the time for renewal and reflection in our leadership development.As leaders, we have to give it, share it, mentor it, and grow it. It is love, knowledge, care, trust, love. As leaders, we have a responsibility to be students of those that went before us, stewards of our gifts and talents, and mentors to those that come after us.Our challenge is to go through our own inward journey, describe the lessons we’ve learned, and then return to teach those lessons to the next generation of leaders.As we better define our personal leadership models with renewal in mind, I would love to discuss this further with you. What do you do for renewal?With love,Maria
Leadership Models Should Be Built With Legacy In Mind
We all leave a legacy, whether by choice or unconsciously. So why not intentionally create our personal leadership models built with legacy in mind? Do you really want someone else to define your legacy? Meaningfulness, is feeling a part of something bigger, as big as a legacy.The yearning for something more is evident in our society. Work-related illnesses are on the rise, and stress reduction workshops are everywhere. Proof of peoples’ desire for a more spiritual and holistic life is on grocery store shelves, in advertising, and in kitchens and baths across America. The evidence is out there—we want more!I invite you to discover a model of leadership that can help you realize meaning, abundance, and can inspire and motivate those around you in meaningful experiences. Let us be a part of something bigger and let us start now!As we better define our personal leadership models with this legacy in mind, I would love to discuss this further with you. What type of legacy do you want to leave?With love,Maria
Why Social Responsibility is Changing Corporations
Consumers, employees, and leaders are demanding socially responsible behavior of themselves and others. Walmart, Starbucks, Walt Disney, and many changing corporations are incorporating this policy into their competitive strategies.If companies choose not to comply with our wishes, we go elsewhere—because we can. Have you noticed the recent impact of social responsibility in our business culture?We see social responsibility manifested in the philanthropic activities organizations are doing; and they are not just writing checks to non-profits. Companies are building schools, putting shoes on children, and teaching third-world countries how to harvest water.We have business models emerging with the primary purpose of serving others. And guess what? These businesses are making money! They have learned how to connect the heart with the bank account. If you feel love within you, you will look out on a world with mercy and of love. That is exactly what some organizations are doing.As we explore the concept of social responsibility and corporate culture changes, I would love to discuss this further with you. How is your organization practicing social responsibility?With love,Maria
Five Types Of Power In Leadership
Power is a hot topic. Not all power is equal. In this video, I review the five types of power in leadership, how shared power can make followers uncomfortable, and some considerations you will be able to apply going forward.We have been taught for too long, to let others define our thoughts, feelings, jobs, lives, and meaning for us. What to think, what to wear, how to feel—is it any wonder we get nervous when we receive permission or power to make decisions or design aspects of our lives for ourselves?Like anything else in this world, all forms of power can be for the greater good or for selfish and egoic purposes. As we review these five types of power, consider your former bosses and your own leadership style as you prepare to better define what kind of leader you choose to become.I would love to hear from you. What is your go-to type of power and why?With love,Maria
Two Ways To Improve Your Leadership Style
Leaders are constantly looking for way to improve and grow. When it comes to improving our leadership style, there are two major ways that are often overlooked – the mindfulness of both meditation and prayer. Prayer, meditation, and leadership. What in the world, do these three things have in common?Everything.As leaders, we have a responsibility to lead and inspire with clarity. In our busy world, we often do not take the time to just think and get really clear about the vision and more importantly, the path, systems, and steps necessary to realize the vision.And even worse, we think we have to get there on our own.Well, the good news is that we are not on our own.Forbes Magazine also discusses how Fortune 500 leaders apply this concept in their daily routines, in this video we explore how prayer and meditation can directly improve our leadership style and ability.I would love to hear from you. How do you sit in stillness?With love,Maria
How The Choices We Make Determine Our Future Freedom
Often future freedom is considered mysterious or based on past experiences, today we explore more about how the choices we make directly influence whether we see life as a victim or as a victor.Join us at http://www.DrMariaChurch.com/drmariatv/ where the discussion continues. Dr. Frankl, a brilliant psychiatrist, was working on his Logotherapy theory when he was captured by the Nazis and imprisoned in a series of concentration camps. His notes and all of his possessions were seized. Stripped of everything, literally and figuratively, he was given a number to replace his name. Dr. Frankl wrote, “The experience of camp life shows that man does have a choice of action. Man can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom, of independence of mind, even in such terrible conditions of psychic and physical stress.”He realized the truth in his theory when he wrote, “What alone remains is ‘the last of human freedoms’—the ability to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances.” Those are very wise and applicable words then, and today.In this video we explore how we can choose to create a different perception, and a different reality.I would love to hear from you. What was the most empowered choice you’ve made?With love,Maria
How The Stories We Tell Ourselves Guide Personal Success
Perceptions are the stories we tell ourselves regarding what we see and how we interpret the world around us. Les Brown, one of the great 21st century storytellers said, “How people live their lives is as a result of the stories that they believe about themselves.” Your personal success is a result of your perceptions.What are your stories? Do they serve you as your aspire to reach your highest potential? Do your stories lift you up or do they bring you down? Do your stories represent who you really are, your true essence?In this video we address some of the common misperceptions in those stories we work into our daily lives and explore the options that come with creating a story that leads to a fuller, more exciting, and fulfilling life without fear.I would love to hear from you. What story do you tell? Does is serve you or drain you?With love,Maria
How Getting Organized Impacts Your Freedom At Work
I’ve always considered myself a tidy person, but I also must admit that sometimes I get overwhelmed and lose control of my time. I’ve noticed it directly affects my daily business in a big way and I lose a sense of freedom at work. In those times of overwhelm, I need to get a grip on getting organized!Very recently, I found myself in this space of needing to regain control of my time and organization again. I realized that nearly every time I arrive at this place, I experienced the same symptoms in my thoughts and behaviors.In this video, we explore not only the need for getting organized and some techniques to do so, but also the freeing result of cleaning up the clutter in our mind and on our desk.I would love to hear from you. What steps do you take to get organized?With love,Maria
How Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy will Motivate Your Employees
Abraham Maslow’s well-known and highly respected Hierarchy of Needs theory describes five levels of needs. But what does Maslow’s theory have to do with leadership and motivation for our employees?As we understand this next generation of Millennials joining the work-force, it is important that we review the basics of what types of areas by which our employees are fundamentally motivated.In this video, we explore three assumptions that are basic for all leaders to understand from Maslow’s Hierarchy that ultimately could help motivate our employees and help them think twice before seeking employment elsewhere.I would love to hear from you. Did you identify at what level you are in your current position? What is one immediate action you can take today, based on this knowledge?With love,Maria
How Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continues to inspire with these 11 Quotes on Leadership
Today, in the United States, we celebrate the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—his life, his work, and his love. His most famous speech, “I Have a Dream” inspired us toward action for equality, justice, and love. From his masterful and inspirational orations, I’ve selected 11 key quotes on leadership that encourage me even now.I have a dream, too. In fact, I am sure you too, have a dream... and I venture to guess that it is similar to my dream…a collective dream. That dream is the radical, necessary, ubiquitous dream of shifting from a world steeped in fear, to a love-based world.In this video, we explore these 11 comments from Dr. King and the great leadership lessons in each message that continues to guide pivotal leaders today.I would love to hear from you. What is your favorite Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quote and why?With love,Maria
How the Art of Leadership Storytelling Begins with 6 Steps to Captivate Your Audience
One of the most effective ways to teach is through storytelling – sharing your story. Nietzsche stated, “The more abstract the truth you wish to teach, the more you must allure the senses to it.” That is exactly what storytelling does; it allures the senses. In this episode, you will learn how to effectively implement the art of leadership storytelling by beginning with these six steps to captivate your audience.Throughout history, the art of storytelling demonstrates this powerful technique used to teach. Aristotle, Plato, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, Gibran, Hemingway, Emerson, and even Bob Dylan and Smokey Robinson have allured us with their gifted storytellingThis clear form of teaching captures us through our feelings, connecting with us through our hearts. The emotional heart-tug we get with good stories heightens our attention and holds us captive. We are fully present in those captive moments of a great story, giving our undivided attention to the details. This technique presents an incredible opportunity for the learner to not only be present with full attention, but also to retain the information ready to call upon it when needed.In this video, I share with you these six simple steps to captivate audiences with the art of leadership storytelling.I would love to hear from you. What is the best story you’ve told about your leadership?With love,Maria
How to make your intention your reality with 10 powerful steps to success.
As we begin a new year, many of us are setting our New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, I like to set intentions. In this episode, I share with you how to make your intention your reality with 10 steps to success.I love the start of a new year. In our home, we have a tradition of stating all that we were grateful for in the past year and proclaiming our hopes and intentions for the new.This activity of reflection grounds us in the here and now. While this may sound like a contradiction, the activity of reflecting on the past and setting an intention for the future brings us fully present in the moment with awareness of our thoughts and feelings. It is not until we fully experience those full realizations combining thoughts and feelings can we then release them to the past (which is where they belong) and focus our energy on creating the today and tomorrow we desire.In this video, I share with you 10 powerful steps to realize your full intentions for 2015.I would love to hear from you. What is your tradition to start the New Year?With love,Maria
How to Lead Effectively with Realistic Expectations
The image we have of the perfect Hollywood leader leaves us feeling less than adequate. We need to know how to lead effectively with realistic expectations and stop buying into the superhuman leader concept.Many models of leadership exist. A favorite of many, with massive buy-in is the Hollywood version of leadership. Our society has embraced and idolized a stereotypical leader we see depicted in films like Patton and the Lone Ranger.This type of leader is nearly omnipotent, strong, and able to handle almost everything that comes his (yes, his) way almost single-handedly. He has all of the answers and endless energy. In many organizations, we’ve come to expect this type of leader to lead and guide us through the hard times and reign in the good times. These leaders are expected to have strength, courage, valor, and vision.This perception and expectation of leadership is harmful to both the leaders and the followers. It is unrealistic. Inevitably, the Hollywood leader in organizations, communities, and countries fail, leaving the followers disillusioned and fearful. The leaders in organizations that succumb to this model pay a hefty price of, isolation, stress, fear of failure, stress-related illness, or worse. In this episode, I discuss why we create these types of leaders and the danger to our organizations these expectations may have.I would love to hear from you. What do you think it takes to be a great leader?With love,Maria
How to Light Up a Room and reflect Leadership Love
I love this quote by Edith Wharton, “There are two ways of spreading light…To be a candle or the mirror that reflects it”. We can both light up a room and reflect leadership love.In this season of light, I ponder what light represents in our lives and how that relates to our leadership. I love Edith Wharton’s perspective of spreading light, but what exactly does that mean?In this episode, I share with you how we can be both the candle and the mirror that reflects the light.Light in the darkness and lightening the load are profound ways we demonstrate love-based leadership. In this season of light, I wish you a blessed holiday season and a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.I would love to hear from you. How can you be a light to others today?With love,Maria