Intuition is a power tool that all successful leaders use, like an internal GPS. I found through working with my clients that many of these leaders have to re-learn how to use intuition because in many of our corporate and work experiences, we learn how to not listen to it. It’s true, increasing intuition improves big business success, today we review an acronym that will help dynamic leaders apply this concept daily.Western culture loves proof, anything empirical that has evidential credibility attached to it. I’ll never forget an experience I had early in my corporate career. One of the first meetings I had in my new position leading the marketing division was a meeting with the company president. I was excited and nervous. Having done my homework in the area of our planned discussion, I was ready. The meeting began smoothly and I felt confident in my knowledge and insight. Then, my moment came. The president asked me about my thoughts. I promptly answered, “I feel …” and immediately was interrupted by him with words that cut to my core, “Maria, I don’t care about your feelings, tell me what you know”.Funny thing about the corporate environment; if you can prove something on a spreadsheet, you have instantaneous credibility. Therefore, I quickly mastered the art of gathering empirical evidence to prove what my intuitive mind already knew.That experience was the first of many that unfortunately taught me how to not listen to my intuition. Luckily, I only followed this mode of operation for a few years, before I realized that my previous way of decision-making served me much more efficiently and effectively, which was of course using my intuition.Remember to develop intuition in a big business, just use the acronym, I N T U I T I O N.I want to clarify, I am not advocating throwing logic out the window. I am recommending that we use all of the tools in our possession to make the best possible decisions. We move into a danger zone if we hinder our decision-making process by not using both intuition and logic.As always, I would love to hear from you. How have you used intuition in your job, career, or personal life?With love,Maria