Learning and Leadership

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” ~ Albert Einstein

One of the most intelligent people of our time, Albert Einstein, knew that learning never stops. As a college professor and leadership coach, I have the distinct pleasure of witnessing learning at its best. I love working with people who recognize the importance of continued growth and development. Learning is a continuous journey—not a destination or arrival.

In a previous blog, I shared with you my freedom filing system. In this system, each day of the week is devoted to a specific theme. My favorite day is Wednesday, Education Day. I spend the entire day learning. Sometimes this learning is formal by participating in a class, and sometimes it is informal such as reading or watching an instructional video. The learning modality doesn’t really matter, as long as I am learning.

Luxuriating in my education day not only feeds my mind, it fuels my soul. This act of continuous learning is an action of loving myself and humbling myself with the knowledge that there is always room to learn and grow.

Growth continues with the next step that follows, which is action. We can have all the knowledge in the world, but without action, it is useless. The action is what moves me out of my comfort zone where true growth occurs.

No matter how uncomfortable I may be in my action and implementation, I know I will always come to another Wednesday for more treats – learning!

With love,