Peace In The Workplace

So much of what we do as leaders is to create vision, motivate, and inspire others to reach that vision.

We imagine what our organizations will be like when we are successful at meeting our goals, meeting the mission, and realizing the vision. I love John Lennon’s song, Imagine. When I look at lyrics from his famous song, Imagine, I am struck by the simplicity of his statements and the call to action.

Living life in peace is possible in our world, our countries, our communities, our organizations, and our families. Peace begins with us, and feeling peaceful within ourselves. Of course, our internal peace is steeped in self-love.

Feeling peaceful in our workplaces is sometimes challenging, but not impossible. To shift to peace, requires awareness and a commitment to live life in peace. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Envision who you would be, living and leading your life in peace and hold that vision until it becomes reality.

Yes, it is true…I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us.

Now I would love to hear from you. What do you want to see change in your organization, community, and world? What are you willing to commit to today to be the change you want to see?

With love,


10 Powerful Steps to Make your Leadership Intention a Reality

We have so much we want to do and accomplish as leaders. We dream, create, plan, review, plan some more, and tweak, tweak, tweak. Is this perfectionism or is this fear; and really, aren’t they both the same?

Sometimes, we stand behind all of these activities to legitimately stay busy. However, these activities keep us behind the computer. There comes a time (probably now) that we need to step out from behind the computer and into the world of personal interaction. When we step out, then, we can really leave impressions, teaching, help, and love with those we met.

My best example lately is when I chose to step up and out when I agreed to speak on a morning television talk show about my book, Love-Based Leadership: Transform Your Life with Meaning and Abundance.

I love being on stage talking about my passion, teaching love and leadership, but I must admit this took me a bit out of my comfort zone. However, I coach and encourage others to reach their success; it is always just outside their comfort zone. It is time for me to put my backbone to work and not just my wishbone.

Challenge yourself to commit to one activity outside your comfort zone each day (take the weekends off), watch your world change, and open before you.I love to hear your stories!

Please share your wins of moving outside your comfort zone.

With love and joy,


Love-Based Leadership Book

Paperback book taking the reader on a self-discovery journey of a simple, and yet profound way to lead.

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