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Popular Talks | Additional Value | Speaker Kit | What Meeting Organizers Are Saying | What Attendees are Saying


Audiences enjoy and are inspired to hear Dr. Maria speak about leadership, especially leading with love. Her unique insights, intense passion and ability to connect with people produces talks that are thought-provoking, compelling, inspirational, and warm…sprinkled with wisdom and, of course, humor. 

Leading with Love: The Heart of Success

Leading with Love is not for the faint of heart. It is never easy to truly challenge attitudes you once considered “gospel” or accept the necessity of changing the way you’ve always behaved. Fear is running rampant in many organizations today, paralyzing leaders from making better decisions, stifling innovation, killing loyalty, and negatively impacting productivity. As the economy recovers and the war on talent gears up, love-based organizations are the best defense. The session provides an overview of the tenants of Love-Based Leadership and evidence for its multifaceted organizational success. 

This presentation inspires participants to take an honest look at – and recognize – the destructive nature of workplace fear. Replacing fear with a love-based culture is not for the faint of heart. The most arduous journey many will take is the 18” from the head to the heart. This is not a session of kittens, puppies, unicorns and rainbows. Instead, leaders will learn effective real-world strategies to influence, motivate, and retain employees with practical and tactical solutions for sustainable and innovative workplace cultures.


  • Identify fear-based cultures and “go to” strategies

  • Understand the value, benefits, and power of leading with love

  • Learn the three pillars of Love-Based Leadership: Love of Self, Source, and Others 

  • How to apply love-based aspects into your everyday work environment

  • Leverage the intrinsic values of employees for productivity, motivation, and loyalty

  • Improve workplace cultures for innovation and knowledge creation

Build It and They Will Come...and Stay: Creating a Workplace Culture for Innovation, Productivity, and Sustainability

Some of the biggest challenges facing today’s executives include retaining and rewarding the best employees, developing the next generation of leaders, and creating an organizational culture that attracts, motivates, and keeps the best employees. The next generation of leaders views organizational culture as one of the most important factors in working for and staying with a company.  

Social sites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed mean that any company’s employment brand is now public information. If it’s not a great place to work, people find out fast. Deloitte reports that 95% of candidates believe culture is more important than compensation. 

In this presentation, participants will be inspired to recognize the powerful differentiator of organizational culture. Participants will also explore the seven layers of culture and how to influence positive change at each level. Leaders will learn strategies to influence, motivate, and retain employees with practical and tactical solutions to build thriving, sustainable, and innovative workplace cultures.


  • Leverage the intrinsic values of employees for productivity, motivation, and loyalty

  • Implement appropriate motivation techniques

  • Improve workplace cultures for innovation and knowledge creation

  • Assess self-values and how those align with his/her organizational culture

  • Increase influence and communication with the team 

  • Influence positive change at each of the seven layers of culture

  • Learn strategies to create desired workplace culture

Cancer in the C-Suite: Leadership Lessons Learned from a Journey through the Big “C”

As a recent cancer survivor, Dr. Church intimately shares the leadership lessons she learned as she walked her own path through cancer. This poignant and powerful presentation invites the audience to view their personal leadership through a perspective lens of vulnerability as strength.

Additional Value

In addition to the proposed presentations, Dr. Church is available to conduct a pre-conference video and webinar to help promote conference registrations by providing additional content beyond the presentation itself, helping to heighten interest in the conference topics. She may also facilitate an executive roundtable, panel discussion, or breakout session during the event. 

Dr. Church is available for speaking engagements with associations, corporations, local governments, industry events, private retreats, and training workshops. For more information, please contact Concierge@DrMariaChurch.com


Speaker Kit



What meeting organizers are saying:



“Dr. Maria Church comes highly recommended.”

“Recently, she was a keynote speaker at the Women in Business Conference held at Cochise College. Reviewing evaluations from those who attended we had 100% agreement; everyone strongly agreed that the presentation improved their skills, provided good information, held their interest, was highly organized, and presented effectively. If you are looking for entertaining, informative, and practical ideas that could be applied in the workplace or one’s everyday life Cochise College Small Business Development Center highly recommends Dr. Maria Church. She played a large part in making this year’s Women in Business Conference a huge success.” – Mark Schmitt, Director, Cochise College Small Business Development Center

“Dr Maria is an excellent mentor and leader.”

“I have been able to attend three of her talks and came away a better person as well as with new skills to continue learning.” – Lee Swearengin, President, Association of Arizona Healthcare Volunteers

“For over a year now, Cochise County has been blessed with Dr. Church’s hands-on work…”

“For over a year now, Cochise County has been blessed with Dr. Church’s hands-on work with a number of groups and individuals from our leadership team, which consists of appointed department directors, elected officials, mid-level managers and anyone who supervises personnel. They have found Dr. Church to be relevant and effective in helping them address management issues and project assignments within their respective departments. She is personable, results-oriented, and extremely knowledgeable of organizational dynamics.

We recently asked Dr. Church to serve as our facilitator for the County’s Leadership Day, which was attended by over 160 managers from the County workforce of 837 employees. She also presented segments from her book, Love-Based Leadership: Transform Your Life with Meaning and Abundance.

Dr. Church was engaged as a facilitator and effective in teaching various aspects of leadership from her book and multi-faceted life experiences.

I would strongly recommend Dr. Church for any similar efforts with both small and large organizations.” – James E. Vlahovich, County Administrator, Cochise County

“Her keynote presentation was inspiring, informative, interactive, and engaging.”

“I recently had the opportunity to hear Dr. Maria Church present at the 2016 Women in Action Conference. Her keynote presentation was inspiring, informative, interactive, and engaging. I’ve heard Dr. Church present before, and I am always impressed at her ability to make each presentation meaningful to her audience. If you are looking for a speaker who will inspire, engage, and interact with your audience, I strongly recommend Dr. Maria Church!” – Gwen Calhoun, City Council Member, City of Sierra Vista

“Maria presented one of the best programs in recent memory for our March 2014 Tucson ASTD meeting.”

“Maria presented one of the best programs in recent memory for our March 2014 Tucson ASTD meeting. Based on her Love-Based Leadership model, Maria inspired the audience to take a fresh look at leadership. She engaged the audience by facilitating a values clarification exercise that examined what is importance in one’s life and aligning these outcomes with leadership principles. She integrated the concept of a meaningful and purpose driven life as a cornerstone in decision-making and providing clear leadership within organizations. The presentation also offered numerous tips to adapt the content into meaningful training and development activities, which was especially important to our membership. Overall, a very worthwhile, thought-provoking experience.” – Training & Organizational Development Consultant & President at KFE Consulting


One Sheet for Dr. Maria Church

Dr. Maria Church – Humorous Bio 2017

Dr. Maria Church – Professional Bio 2017

“Dr Maria is an excellent mentor and leader. I have been able to attend three of her talks and came away a better person as well as with new skills to continue learning.”

– Lee Swearengin, President, Association of Arizona Healthcare Volunteers


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More with Dr. Maria

Dr. Maria Church on Morning Blend Discusses Love-Based Leadership