Dr. Maria Church Love-Based Leadership Speaker, Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Organizational Culture Expert

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Happy New Year!


On New Year’s Eve, we had a beautiful snowfall in the desert—a real treat! I love the start of a new year. In our home, we have a tradition of stating all that we were grateful for in the past year and proclaiming our hopes and intentions for the new.

This activity of reflection grounds us in the here and now. While this may sound like a contradiction, the activity of reflecting on the past and setting an intention for the future brings us fully present in the moment with awareness of our thoughts and feelings. It is not until we fully experience those full realizations combing thoughts and feelings can we release them to the past (which is where they belong) and focus our energy on creating the today and tomorrow we desire.

To realize your full intentions for 2013, follow these 10 powerful steps:

  1. Be still. In your stillness, connect with your source and the universal knowledge that exists inside of you and be present in the moment.
  2. Surrender your ego so you may fully hear your why and your purpose.
  3. Imagine yourself fulfilling this purpose, your intention. Do not rush through this process, as the more detail you see, the more energy and focus will attach to your intention.
  4. Don’t worry about the details in this stage; be open and go big. (We were never meant to be small).
  5. Now feel the feelings and emotions that accompany this picture in your mind’s eye. Again, do not rush through this. Feel the excitement, fulfillment, and joy that accompany realizing your intention.
  6. Visit this intention with the attitude of already fulfilling the intention. Fake it until you make it with this step!
  7. Write this intention down and read it first thing in the morning and again before you go to sleep. Remember to write your intention in the present tense.
  8. Determine steps necessary to fulfill your intention. Now is the time to exercise your backbone and not just your wishbone.
  9. Do the work! Put action behind your intention.
  10. Celebrate your milestones and always remember to envelope your actions and intentions in love and gratitude—you WILL succeed!

Dr. Dorothy Bonvillain and I are offering a telecourse to support you on your intentions, goals, and personal growth.  For more information, please follow this link.  http://shop.drmariachurch.com/Mastermind-TeleCourse-on-The-15-Invaluable-Laws-of-Growth-01012013.htm We do hope you will join us!

New Year blessings to you my dear friends.

With love and gratitude,