It is important for us to reflect on our stories. You know these stories; they are well-crafted and visited repeatedly for years and sometimes decades. These are the stories we tell ourselves, building beliefs and behaviors based on these tales. As Plato reminded us, perception is reality.Our thoughts create our perceptions and our perceptions influence our emotional, psychological, and physical responses.I read Marianne Williamson’s book, “The Law of Divine Compensation” and was struck by her discussion about how negative thoughts deactivate the divine law, which falls into three major categories: (1) negative sense of self, (2) anger, and (3) guilt. Wow – the big three!This got me thinking how the big three derail other aspects of our life, including how we love others and how we lead others. As we reflect on a negative sense of self, anger, and guilt, let’s explore the following questions in this week’s video:Our stories are sometimes on auto pilot. We need to just flip off the auto pilot switch and create a new story. Close the chapter on the old one and start writing a new story.Think about this:When is the best time to plant an oak tree?Twenty years ago.When is the second best time to plant the tree?Now.When we step into awareness about our stories and thoughts, we come to realize that we can change those thoughts, and ultimately change our lives. What’s stopping you?I would love to hear from you. What new story do you want to create in your life?With love,Maria
4 Aspects of a Love Based Leadership Zone
In an LBL zone, love of Self, Source, and Others are present. We live the words so the words may live.People want to go to work, meaningful work in an LBL zone. A paradigm shift occurs in an LBL zone, where we discover a new way to do business based in part on ancient and traditional wisdom.
In The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran described work in what could be an LBL zone: It is to weave the cloth with threads from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit, And to know that all the blessed dead are standing about you and watching. Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
When LBL is practiced in organizations, several characteristics are present:
The organization is fertile ground for knowledge creation, a learning organization.
Power is shared, as is ownership of the work.
Significance and celebration of others is ever-present in an LBL organization, adding to a meaningful work experience.
A holistic approach to life, work, and spirituality is a way of life for those leaders practicing LBL, because LBL leaders honor themselves, their Source, and those with whom they work.
How would you describe a Love-Based Leadership organization?
With love,