The Most Critical Factor for Success

Join me at where the discussion continues. Ask any successful leader or business owner what one of the most critical ...

Ask any successful leader or business owner what one of the most critical factors is for success today, and you will hear creativity. Now, more than ever, innovation and creativity are sought-after skills in organizations for their leaders.

Old models steeped in scientific management and mechanistic thinking no longer serves our needs in this new era. As Einstein so eloquently reminds us, we must stop the insanity and look toward new models and creative ways of leading people and doing business.

For decades, our American culture has devoted most curriculum and teaching models to developing the left-hemisphere of the brain. This is the part of the brain for logic, linear and sequential thought processes. This style of learning and development continued into colleges and universities where the mechanistic model of managing business and leading people remained a primary focus. Perhaps a nod to the “soft skills” of leadership appeared in the curriculum, but not until quite recently are we teaching these skills to leaders.

Many organizations now focus on teaching the soft skills in their leadership development programs because they realized a profound need for their leaders to have these skills in this new era. The soft skills to which I am referring are connecting with people, motivating teams, inspiring followers, creative thinking, innovation, quick decision-making and big-picture vision (strategic thinking and planning). Each one of these skill sets requires right-brain thinking.

The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, is simultaneous, specializes in context, and synthesizes the big picture. Clearly, the ability to think quickly in today’s fast-paced world requires right hemisphere functions. I am not advocating tossing aside the value of the left-brain—our entire brain is a gift from God. I am simply seeking to focus on development of our right-brain functions. At this point, most of us have fairly well developed left hemispheres. After all, we have spent most of our lifetime educated and trained to use our left-brains.

What we now need as leaders is to develop and reconnect with the processes of our right brains. Lateral thinking is perception thinking, looking for creative and innovative ways of viewing the world. This process is not constricted by boundaries and limited beliefs; it challenges us to move into expansiveness, unlimited possibilities, and abundance thinking.

I would love to hear about the companies innovating and creating in your sphere. Tag them in the comments or on social media? I want to celebrate their action with you!

Are you ready to take the shift? Click the link below for your own Action Guide!

With Love,



Why Developing Thick Skin Is Not Necessary

Join me at where the discussion continues. Someone asked me, "How can you develop a thick-skin at work?" My initial r...

Someone asked me the other day, “How can you develop a thick-skin at work?” My initial response, “Develop a strong heart.”

Growing up, I was often teased because of my over-bite. Called many names at school, I came home frequently collapsing into a pile of tears. My mother would tell me to ignore the bully’s hurtful comments and eventually they would stop. I did experience some truth in this, but what was even more impactful, were her words, “Maria, you are beautiful, they just don’t see it.” Of course, she was referring to my inner beauty. I knew my outer beauty would catch up once I got braces!

Why is it that as adults we still feel the need to toughen up and not let other people’s words hurt us? Could it be that we forgot our inner beauty?

If so, do not worry. Reclaiming our inner beauty and strengthening our heart is easy to do. Developing a strong heart begins with self-love. Practice these ten steps and in no time, you will not need a thick skin because you will have a strong heart:

  1. List your strengths. Next to each one, identify how you may leverage your strong points.

  2. Create an action plan for personal and professional growth.

  3. Reconnect with your intuition.

  4. Do something creative every day.

  5. Spend time in stillness each day.

  6. Get enough sleep. Six to eight hours are recommended for optimum health.

  7. Move your body every day. Some days it may only be walking to the mailbox.

  8. Eat foods that nourish your body in healthy ways.

  9. List at least five things each day for which you are grateful.

  10. Find ways to help others see their greatness.

What are some additional ways you strengthen your heart?

With love,

