5 Steps To Balancing Leadership And Meaning

Did you know the majority of heart attacks occur around 9:00 AM on Monday mornings?

One study* showed that the most common factor in these heart attacks was that the victims were people whose work had become joyless striving. In other words, they could not find meaning in their work, and their lives had become so out of balance that, one Monday morning, their bodies said, “You are not going to work today”. ZAP

Researchers found those victims in a state of “joyless striving” – in other words, without meaning. In today’s video, I share with you five steps to get started on the path of self-discovery and meaning and read an excerpt from my book, Love-Based Leadership: Transform Your Life with Meaning and Abundance.

I would love to hear from you. What techniques do you practice to go inward?

With love,


*Study cited in “Leading with Soul” by Lee Boleman and Terrence Deal.

Love is Stronger

This is my blog in the wake of last quarter’s insanity. Our communities are struggling to communicate, our children are receiving mixed messages of what right and wrong look like, and our economies are in a political upheaval. There were many, many other infractions to our brothers and sisters.

We must stop. We must stop the violence. We must stop the doomsday mentality. We must stop revenge. We must stop ignoring mental illness. We must stop pretending there is no darkness. We must stop destroying each other. We must stop destroying our planet.

We must stop our apathy.

We must stop our ignorance.

We must stop our arrogance.

We must stop creating an insane world. We must stop living in ego. We must stop choosing fear. We must stop sleepwalking. We must stop mindlessness. We must stop separation. We must stop pretending we are not connected to one another.

We must shift to a force stronger than greed, hatred, violence, revenge, and fear.

And that other force…simply…love.

Choose love.

With the intensity of divine love,
