Dr. Maria Church Love-Based Leadership Speaker, Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Organizational Culture Expert

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One Quick Way To Identify When Leadership Is Needed

As a leadership coach, I’m always excited when a powerful question or statement crosses my path or better yet, slams me in the face! The other day, I had such an encounter. Seth Godin got my attention when he wrote, “If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re not reaching your potential as a leader”.He was talking about the discomfort we sometimes feel as a leader and furthermore, when we identify the discomfort, we’ve found a place where leadership is needed.I DO love those moments that move me out of my comfort zone and into what I call a “seat squirming” state. I know when I start squirming, I am onto to something, and that something is usually growth!I want to share with you both what Seth Godin’s list looked like, what my list looks like, and what yours could include:My list not only feels good when I put it on, but it moves me beyond comfort to electric energy.As always, I would love to hear from you. What are your thoughts?What is outside of your comfort zone that’s holding you back?When was a time you moved outside your comfort zone and how did you do it? How did it feel on the other side?With love,Maria