Dr. Maria Church Love-Based Leadership Speaker, Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Organizational Culture Expert

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Let's Get Our Mental On!

Why is it sometimes difficult to deal with other people’s opinions at work? How can we work as a team with so much diversity, diverse thinking, and different mental models?I’ve worked with many clients and teams who ask these very questions. Our mental models are the ways in which we view the world, our own personal lenses, and filters. Mental models are so deeply ingrained that we’re not even consciously aware of them.The danger of being unaware of our mental models is that our ability to leap to assumptions and make decisions and conclusions based on those mental models can be destructive and harmful to our organizations.Three simple techniques help us achieve mental model awareness. The beauty in all of this is to not only just recognize the mental models in ourselves, but to recognize the mental models of our team members and those with whom we communicate.I would love to hear from you. What are some mental models you are aware of that have held you back? What beliefs have your formed from your experiences?With love,Maria